Open Positions

Fathom Science is a tech startup in growth phase focusing on Ocean Intelligence. We are a fusion of academic excellence and entrepreneurial spirit. We are pioneering advancements in marine environment prediction and ocean data analytics. Our mission is to advance the Blue Economy with state-of-the-art intelligence for a diverse array of stakeholders, making an impactful contribution to environmental efficiency, safety, and discovery. Founded and run by experts on the cutting edge of integrated data collection, analytics, and numerical modeling technology, we seek motivated, highly skilled team members to join our growing company. We are a cross-disciplinary team of highly capable and motivated people with a collaborative, inclusive culture.

Specific career openings are listed below. We’re also interested in hearing from you if you have other skills that you think would complement our team. 

Fathom Science We are a cross-disciplinary team of highly capable and motivated people with a collaborative, inclusive culture. is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

To apply: please submit your Resume/CV, LinkedIn URL, and/or GitHub URL to


Oceanography and related fields

The Fathom Science team seeks oceanographers, atmospheric scientists, numerical modelers,  and related experts excited about applying ocean-related research to solve real-world problems. 


  • Develop and/or refine products for the Blue Economy
  • Run existing operational products to maintain client contracts
  • Contribute to projects from inception to execution
  • Collaborate effectively with other Fathom Science team members to drive innovation
  • Stay current on technologies and apply them to applicable projects


  • Master’s degree or higher in a relevant subject
  • Experience with cloud computing
  • Strong background in data modeling, dynamic system prediction, or related field
  • A “can do,” proactive attitude, high energy, and creativity are required along with excellent organizational skills and the ability to multi-task
  • Strong interpersonal, oral, written, and visual communication skills, with ability to present findings concisely and effectively
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with developers and program management on objectives, requirements, and design constraints in a distributed development environment
  • Ability to solve complex, multidisciplinary challenges in applied research and turn technology know-how into execution in a dynamic business environment


  • Competitive salary
  • Paid leave
  • Some remote work is possible


Machine Learning Scientist

The Fathom Science team seeks an experienced Machine Learning Scientist to design and develop AI models to deliver fast and reliable environment prediction solutions. Our team operates at the intersection of AI algorithmic innovation and environment prediction software. We are a cross-disciplinary team of highly capable and motivated people with a collaborative, inclusive culture.


  • The Machine Learning Scientist will help develop products using existing environmental databases to build reliable environment prediction models
  • Design and implement machine learning techniques to improve model efficiency and accuracy
  • Contribute to projects from inception to execution
  • Develop algorithms and models in collaboration with product managers and software engineers to fulfill key R&D initiatives
  • Collaborate effectively with other Fathom Science team members to ensure technology re-use and transfer of new capabilities to drive innovation
  • Quickly learn and assimilate new R&D processes, ideas, and concepts to formulate conclusions and deliver results
  • Identify features and data needed for machine learning solutions
  • Stay current on specific AI technologies and apply them to applicable projects


  • 5+ years of machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistical science, or other related practice (including graduate work)
  • Master’s degree or higher in Computer Science, Statistics, or Machine Learning
  • 5+ years in a rapid prototyping environment such as Python or R
  • Experience with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and cloud computing
  • Strong background in data modeling, dynamic system prediction, or related field
  • A “can do,” proactive attitude, high energy, and creativity are required along with excellent organizational skills and the ability to multi-task
  • Strong interpersonal, oral, written, and visual communication skills, with ability to present findings concisely and effectively
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with developers and program management on objectives, requirements, and design constraints in a distributed development environment
  • Ability to solve complex, multidisciplinary challenges in applied research and turn technology know-how into execution in a dynamic business environment


  • Competitive salary
  • Paid leave
  • Some remote work is possible


Digital Marketer

The Fathom Science team is seeking a digital marketer to create and maintain online marketing strategies aimed at promoting the brand and generating interest in the products and services of the company. We are a cross-discipline team of highly capable and motivated people with a collaborative and inclusive culture. To be successful as a digital marketer, you should have knowledge of digital marketing tactics, have strong interpersonal skills, and demonstrate excellent SEO writing and graphics skills. 

This position could be part time and/or partly remote work. 


  • Manage 4 – 6 social media accounts and develop and maintain solid SEM and social marketing knowledge for Fathom Science
  • Contribute to marketing and communication strategies from regular newsletters to social media updates
  • Implement digital marketing campaigns by assembling plans and objectives, creating schedules, organizing, reporting data, and tracking progress
  • Have meaningful content responsibilities and play a vital role in content production 
  • Manage your workflow to ensure timely delivery on projects


  • You are an energetic and creative digital marketing enthusiast eager to roll up your sleeves and be hands on, learn, and grow in the digital marketing space
  • 3+ years of professional experience with social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, etc.
  • A minimum 1 year of paid search (SEM) or paid social marketing experience and comfort with topics such as budgeting, bidding, and testing methodology
  • Proven prior work experience in a production-oriented or similar role
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • A Google Ads certification is a plus
  • Knowledge of physical sciences and/or oceanography is a plus


  • Competitive salary
  • Paid leave
  • Some remote work is possible