Fathom Science is excited to be a NASA partner, working on NASA’s Ecological Forecasting project “Predicting the Long-Distance Dispersal of Ichthyoplankton in the Intra-Americas Sea: A Data-Assimilative Decision Support Tool for Effective Living Marine Resource Management.”
Fathom will be working with the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust to advance understanding of the sources and sinks of fish larvae in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Fathom’s numerical modeling of ocean currents, temperature, salinity, and density will give insight to the movement of economically and ecologically important species when combined with the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust’s biological understanding and insights.
This project will lead to better understanding of how Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf o fMexico, Caribbean, and U.S. east coast can contribute to healthy fish stocks. A goalof the project is to develop a tool for fisheries managers and others to use to manage fish stocks.
We look forward to an interesting, fruitful partnership in investigating the role ocean conditions play in fish distribution.
If you’re interested in the Decision Support Tool for Effective Living Marine Resource Management that will be developed, please contact info@fathomscience.com